ARM rules

ARM rules


1A: to be eligible, the participant must comply with the conditions laid down in Article 5 of the bylaws and submit a written request to the Committee using the printed form reserved for this purpose.
The Committee may refuse the application for membership without having to give reasons.


1B: the eligible participant agrees to pay the annual membership fee as set by the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and to assist in the proper functioning of the Association.

1C: the membership card is not transferable and the participant agrees not to develop within the Association any activity contrary to the statutes.

ARTICLE 2: Official Year

The official year of the Association is set by the Committee at an AGM. It begins April 1 and ends March 31 of the following year.


3A:  The Treasurer with the Committee’s agreement, proposes the amount of the annual subscription required based on the budget of current expenditure, the financial situation of the association and potential projects.
The subscription voted on will be binding on all members.

3B: There is only one rate of subscription for all members (active, supporters and associates). It will be requested by the Treasurer at the beginning of the financial year.

3C: Treasurer will send, on receipt of the member’s subscription, a membership card entitling the member to the benefits and services offered by the Association or by organizations that accept it.


4A: a member resigns

  • when they lose their right to membership as provided for in Article 5 of the Statute;
  • by a personal decision to be stated in a letter to the President of the Committee (Article 6 of the bylaws).

4B: a member can be expelled from the ARM (Article 6 of the bylaws)

  • for failure to pay the annual fee for two years after three months notice from the Treasurer.
  • failure to abide by the statutes. In this case, a formal notice to provide an explanation will be sent to the member by registered letter.

The Committee will take any decision fifteen days after the notice. This will be notified to the excluded member by registered letter within a week of the cancellation decision.


5A: The ARM Officers are elected by an absolute majority by the members of the Committee according to Article 10 of the bylaws. Its composition and the role of each of its members are defined precisely in Article 12 of the bylaws.
Only the President is qualified to go to court as a defendant on behalf of the association and as applicant with the authorization of the Committee. Under the same conditions the President can deal with all calls and appeals and make all transactions to justice.

He chairs the meetings. In case of absence or illness, he is replaced by the vice-president or, failing that, by another Committee member.
The Treasurer looks after the association’s accounts as for the period from 1 April to 31 March of the following year. The AGM is authorized to change the dates of this financial year.
The Secretary manages the members’ file, correspondence, drafting of minutes of general meetings on the legal register and manages the archives of the Association.

5B: Powers of the Committee:

The Committee is vested with the broadest powers (Article 11 of the bylaws)
The President and the Treasurer are authorized to commit expenditure without request up to a maximum amount of EUR 800 (eight hundred); beyond and up to 1500 Euros (1500), permission must be sought from the Committee. Beyond Euro 1500, a vote will be held in the AGM.


The AGM consists of all members of the Association and is convened annually by the President. If necessary, an extraordinary General Meeting may be convened during the year.

The arrangements concerning the validity of these assemblies are defined in Articles 13, 14 and 15 of the bylaws.


These rules of procedure can be modified by the AGM on proposal of the Committee.

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